Saturday, May 18, 2013

Task 4

Guiding Question:How can spreadsheet skills enable a person to make an informed decision for comparing and analyzing data. How can digital representations of data make a difference in captivating an audience?

I think my guiding question relates to environment and community and service.

  • Environment: I think my unit question relates to this specific area of interaction because it will help gather people's opinion towards the society and environment. It will also help create awareness towards clean environment, people's responsibility towards society and environment and etc.
  • Community and Service: I think that my question relates to this area of interaction because it help build a community where many things about society could be discussed and people will get to know how important their opinions are for the society.It will also help get more ideas and spreading knowledge and also gathering it. It will help people socialize with different people. Spreadsheets will allow us to know age groups that use web 2.0 & how important do they think web 2.0 is for community and society.

  •    Reflection: In this task i had to think about how my guiding question relates to a certain area of interaction. I thought about how i could state how my guiding question relates to my arae of interaction. 

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